As British GMC accredited and appraised urologists, robust governance is the cornerstone of their clinical practice along with compassion, communication and outstanding surgical care.
The initial approach in managing bothersome ‘waterworks’ lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) is to employ conservative measures including: fluid intake management, avoiding caffeinated drinks and pelvic floor exercises.
The choices of medication include; Alpha Blockers, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, Anti-cholingeric drugs, Beta3 agionist, Phosphodiesterase (PDE-5) inhibitors
The Prostatic Urethral Lift (PUL) procedure uses the Urolift device. This device is the very latest non-invasive approach to treating symptomatic BPH. The device lifts or holds the enlarged prostate tissue out of the way so it no longer blocks the urethra. There is no cutting, heating or removal of prostate tissue.
Under direct vision using a telescope passed down the water-pipe (urethra), small ‘chips’ are repeatedly cut away from the prostate, ‘boring out’ a wide channel, relieving obstruction to the flow of urine out of the bladder.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a type of scan that uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce detailed images of the inside of the body.
Template guided prostate biopsies or template prostate mapping (TPM) is used as part of the diagnosis for prostate cancer.
Local anaesthetic assessment to visualise the inner lining of the bladder and diagnose the size and location of bladder tumours.
During the telescopic examination of the bladder (cystoscopy), bladder tumours are ‘shaved’ or resected from the inside of the bladder wall with the aim of removing the entire tumour.
Kidney stones are increasingly common and unfortunately can be very painful. Accurate assessments of stone burden using ultrasound or CT imaging allows for a tailored management approach for each patient.
ESWL involves treating a stone in the kidney or ureter without the need for a general anaesthetic. Surgical intervention (ureteroscopy) allows small telescopes equipped with laser fibres to access, fragment and treat stones within the ureter or the kidney often as a daycase procedure.
Circumcision involves the removal of the foreskin and is performed for medical or religious reasons. The procedure may be performed under general or local anaesthetic. Healing takes 4-6 weeks and there may be some swelling particularly in the first few days.
An operation to repair a hydrocele involving excision and eversion of the hydrocoele sac. This procedure is typically performed as a daycase under general or local anaesthesia employing an incision through the scrotum.
This is fixation of the testis (or testicle). If performed in young children/ babies for undescended testis, the procedure is performed via a skin incision in the groin. If performed to stop the testis twisting (testicular torsion) it is via an incision in the scrotal skin.
Dilatation involves graduated gentle stretching of the urethra, either in the management of male urethral stricture or in women for a wide range of conditions including urethral syndrome and recurrent cystitis. For more extensive narrowings, urethrotomy involves incising scarred narrowings and strictures.
Vasectomy is probably one of the most effective contraceptive options available today. Either under general or more usually a local anaesthetic block, the drainage tubes from the testicles (vas deferens) are located and disconnected through small incisions of the scrotum.
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